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Arsenic exists in a variety of forms, and it can be found naturally in the environment, including air, land and water. Plus, it’s a common byproduct of industry and agriculture. It also happens to be a highly dangerous poison. If it were to leach into your drinking water, you and your family could be facing a whole host of serious (and possibly deadly) health problems. In fact, the World Health Organization has even noted that arsenic from contaminated groundwater presents a very real threat to public health.

So how do you know if you have it? What can you do about it? Are there precautions that can be taken to ensure it never reaches your home? We talked to the crew around the EcoWater office, and they put together some extremely helpful advice.

What can arsenic to do people?

Arsenic is a nasty substance, and it’s no wonder it was the choice of assassins in aristocratic Europe in the 1800s. When you’re exposed to arsenic, you could develop any number of cancers (including skin, lung and kidney). You may notice changes in the look and feel of your skin. Other problems include stomach issues, heart and brain impairments, and, of course, death.

Obviously, arsenic’s biggest threat comes from high-dose levels, which you will mostly likely never find in your drinking water (unless you have a serious enemy!). No, the worry with drinking water is what can happen as you ingest low levels of arsenic over a long, extended
period of time. The Environmental Protection Agency has placed a legal limit of 0.01 ppm— meaning it’s even legal for your municipal water to contain a very small amount of arsenic.

Where in the U.S. is arsenic in drinking water most common?

Arsenic can be found in drinking water just about anywhere in the U.S. (and the world, for that matter); however, arsenic occurs naturally — and in high concentrations — in the Midwest, the Northeast, parts of Texas and in the West. Its level often rises when the local groundwater is near mining operations, farming, energy production facilities and certain industries.

How do I know if there’s arsenic in my drinking water?

Well, you’re not going to be able to smell it, taste it or see it — that’s why it’s such an effective and deadly poison. That means you need to have your water tested every year by a trained professional (especially if you get your water from a private well). Your local water department
should help you be able to find the right person; of course, you can always call an EcoWater professional!

Reverse osmosis: an effective method for eliminating arsenic from drinking water

When you get a reverse osmosis water filter from EcoWater, it works hard to remove a wide variety of contaminants from your drinking water. As the water passes through a variety of different filters and sheds in these specialty home water solutions, dangerous metals, sediments and toxins are stripped from the water, leaving you with safe, delicious water. With a reverse osmosis filter system, you can rest easy knowing you and your family are protected from a variety of toxic compounds, including arsenic.